SAS has been making quality shoes for over 30 years and there are millions of satisfied customers all over the world. Since their humble beginnings, they have relied on quality products and ergonomic designs to separate them from their competition. Today very little has changed and SAS comfort shoes remain committed as ever to providing you with the best, most relaxing pair of shoes around.
SAS shoes are one of the most popular and comfortable brands of shoes available. Short for San Antonio Shoes, the SAS shoe brand was created by Terry Armstrong and Lew Hayden when they decided to leave their shoe-manufacturing job and start a business of their own. Their goal was simple: To create the most relaxing pair of shoes in the market! To achieve these goals, they focused on using only quality material and by striving for constant innovation in every pair of shoes they manufacture.
Armstrong and Hayden were so meticulous in creating each pair, and their attention to detail was so unmatched that soon every SAS owner couldn’t wait to tell their family and friends. Word spread quickly and soon these shoes became synonymous with quality footwear. Decades later, the company has reached new heights and its popularity continues to grow, but the focus on creating the best pair of shoes still remains.
Product Description
The Ambassador is one of the most popular pair of shoes created by SAS. It’s highly recommended by active-walkers because of the quality of the materials and the comfort it provides. In fact, many nurses and doctors also recommend this brand not only for their patients but also to colleagues and other professionals who work long shifts that require standing.
Thanks to the quality of the leather, the Ambassador is an extremely durable and supportive pair of shoes. In addition, there's also generous room in the toes to maximize circulation and ventilation when walking. As a result, these shoes are highly recommended for our elderly population because of their excellent grip and their ability to prevent accidental slips and falls.